Apr 3, 2019 | Artificial Intelligence, Training
So – what did I learn about AI at The Future of Work conference on 13 March? Work of the Future – Hype, Reality and Unknowns – Elizabeth Reynold AI will have a similar impact to the Industrial Revolution, but on a much tighter timescale...
Mar 20, 2019 | Power BI, Training
When do you stop learning? In the case of that 98-year-old I’ve been hearing about, never. He took delight in learning something new every day. And it’s becoming very clear that in a world where Artificial Intelligence is already changing the way we...
Mar 13, 2019 | Artificial Intelligence, Power BI, Training
So what is ‘the future of work’? And how can we prepare for it? Some challenging claims have been made about what we can expect from Artificial Intelligence – or AI. It’s certainly come a very long way from those early chess...
Mar 7, 2019 | Artificial Intelligence, Power BI, Training, Virtual Reality
The robot is no longer science fiction – and it’s already had a huge impact on the job market. With technology changing faster than ever before, it’s just plain common sense to look at your own skill set and ask the obvious question....
May 26, 2017 | Excel, Training
How Excel can unlock the data in your business Does a page full of numbers (or even a table full of text) have you reaching for the headache pills? Then Excel formulas might be a cheaper and healthier alternative… Even if spreadsheets don’t bring you out in a cold...